Of course you can draw my characters! Ask me for a ref (or look for them on my toyhouse, linked in main carrd)X— Just don't draw them in these situations:
1. Gore, violence, unless it's something specific to lore we agreed on (or unless it’s canon)
2. Candy gore
3. With heavy drugs, unless you asked me for permission
4. NSFW, unless you're a friend (but suggestive things like skimpy outfits are okay!)
5. If you're a friend and want to draw NSFW: ask me, or at least stick to what is canon when it comes to kinky stuff, except for changing their AGAB
6. With different bodytypes (don't make them skinny if they're not)
7. Nothing offensive of course! And don't whitewash them, obviously!
8. Specific to my main character Kastor: don't draw him in non-canon romantic situations/with random characters, he's grey-aromantic!
X— Don't ship them with your characters, please! Unless we have discussed it thoroughly.X— My main character is half Iñupiaq, please don't use the word es*imo, it's a slur!X—Disclaimers: my original characters aren't all good people, but rest assured that anything bad will always be portrayed as bad.X— They're linked to potentially triggering topics, such as su//cide, abuse, grooming, compulsive behaviors, toxic relationships (romantic and not) and mental illness. Don't worry, these topics will never be shown ecplicitly without a proper TW.